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A Wesleyan interpretation of John 6:44
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him."

Reading Genesis before Darwin
The non-literal reading of Genesis is not a recent innovation to rescue the Bible from modern science.

A Wesleyan interpretation of Acts 13:48
"As many as were appointed to eternal life believed."

What can Roman inscriptions tell us about the reliability of the Gospels?
I recently stumbled across some data from ancient Roman inscriptions that supports Richard Bauckham's fascinating argument concerning the...

Are pro-life conservatives hypocrites?
Christians on the left often accuse the pro-life movement of hypocrisy. Here is my response.

Why I changed my mind about women pastors
Here are the three considerations that led me to reverse my position.

Why were certain gospels excluded from the Bible?
The NT contains only four gospels, but many others have survived.

The New Testament and the Telephone Game
The telephone game is a poor analogy for the scribal transmission of the New Testament.

When did Jesus become God?
Dan Brown's claims in "The Da Vinci Code" are simply not true.

Do legal restrictions reduce abortions?
Christians on the left often assert that abortion laws don't work. Is this true?

Men have no business to meddle in women’s affairs?
Some argue that men have no business opining on the morality of abortion. Here is my response:
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